Let's see how to generate and send certificates of Appreciation in less than 5 minutes.
The whole process is divided into 5 steps:
Step1: Certificate TemplateStep2: Have Certified People Info in google sheetStep3: Generate CertificateStep4: Send Certificate
Step1: Certificate Template
the first step of the process is to create a certificate template of how you want your certificate to look like, you do not have to do this from scratch.
you can use any of the Canva templates or SlideGo GoogleSlides certificate templates

for Canva templates once you edit it in Canva you can Convert Canva Template to Google Slides , here is a quick video on how to convert a Canva template to a Google Slides
Step2: Have Certified People Info in google sheet
Create a new google sheet and add Certified People info in it. Just open sheet.new in new tab this will create the google sheet and then add the info in it.
Each column can have personalized info which can be included in the certificate or email of the Certified People. here is an example google sheet with Certified People info in it:

Step3: Generate Certificate
Note: Before following Step 3 install CertifySimple App, just visit certifysimple.app and install the app for free
To generate the certificate open the google slide (the certificate template we created in the first step) and then click on Addons and then click on Certifysimple.
here you need to enter the google sheet URL, then create a folder in google drive and open it then copy the URL in the URL bar. and paste the URL in the google drive URL field in the CertifySimple app, Add the sender name and click "Generate Certificate"
once you click you can open the google drive folder and you will see the certificate in it. give it 5 minutes it will generate 50 certificates.
Once done if you want to generate more just click the same "Generate Certificate" button and it will generate 50 more certificates.
Step4: Send Certificate
Now as all the certificates are generated it's time to send them to the Certified People.
to send the email we need to first create an email template, to do so if certifysimple app is open click on "Manage templates" and it will open a list of your email templates
if you do not have any it will show
No Email Template Found click "Create a new template" to add one
Click Create new template and then write the subject and body of the email you can also add a pre-header, once written just click on "save template"
You can personalize the email for each Certified People, just use {{CoulumnName}} and it will be updated with the cell value for the user
okay now you have an email template after you click "Save Template" you will be sent to the home page of the CertifySimple app give it a second the newly created template will be automatically selected and then just click "Send Certificate"
Note: Before sending you can go back to google sheets and since it will have the google slide URL of the certificate generated for each Certified People you can just check a few to make sure they are generated as expected
have any questions? send an email to sanskar@certifysimple.app